PROJECT BRIEFING - Eagle Ridge 10am - 12nn To Join, please click link below
PROJECT BRIEFING - Splendido 10am - 12nn To Join, please click link below
NEW RECRUITS SEMINAR - Day 1 (Training Room) 10am - 5pm
NEW RECRUITS SEMINAR - Day 2 - For SS (Training Room) 10am - 5pm
PROJECT BRIEFING - Caliraya Springs 10am - 12nn To join, please click link below
NEW RECRUITS SEMINAR - Day 2 For Sales Director Management Program Training Room - 10am-5pm
SKILLS TRAINING - Handling Objections and Closing Sales
NEW RECRUITS SEMINAR - Day 1 (Splendido Sales Office) 10am - 5pm
NEW RECRUITS SEMIANR - Day 2 (Splendido Sales Office) 10am - 5pm